Rose petals are so popular these days because of their significant effects on our health and beauty.



Here are just a few:
Rose petals contain sufficient amounts of vitamin C. This vitamin can neutralize the free radicals in our body and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Rose petals also have anti-bacterial characteristics that make them a perfect remedy for acne and breakouts.



Everyone has faced a battle with stress at some point in their life, and it's good to know how much petal roses are effective in reducing stress and anxiety. So whenever you feel down, make a cup of tea using rose petals to see how they can change your mood.

Plus, rose petals can relieve a sore throat as they contain antioxidants. Make your infusion using dried rose petals, and it can make a great combination when mixed with honey.

September 06, 2021


Carlissa Williams said:

When will you have more of this product

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